Why its so hard to get back to reality? Because the series of tectonic shifts which has happened the time I was gone online is huge. I became a mother, ...
Being a mom challenged me in the past few months. It could have been easier baby-mom time, if I wasn't moving and building a home (ground up!), working every here'n'there ...
Two days ago I' ve asked myself why I am still here? After all the turbulences with my blog and the technical background behind it. Domain problems, new name and ...
My dearest all…
I looked over my past few posts and got myself asking has it really come so far that I am writing every second, third season, worst case - ...
Well if you may have noticed, there is quite a "positivity shift" going on out there. Thousands of quotes bomb us all day everyday: Do what you love! Be who ...
zwischen tausenden Büchern über das Mutter-Sein, Nontouring, den Wahlen in Österreich, zwischen den vielen Terroranschlägen (jemand schon die letzte Staffel House of Cards gesehen), meiner wundervollen gesunden Tochter und endloser ...
Chimagine only... Gestern habe ich auf Facebook das Bild oben geteilt und natürlich gab es darauf mehr Reaktion als je zuvor. Gratulationen, Glückwünsche und Feuerwerkskörper. Ich bin schwanger... das schon ...
Chimagine a world... Lange ist es her - mein letzter Blogeintrag auf Dots & Stripes. Vier Monate später schreiben wir noch immer dasselbe Jahr, aber ich fühle mich wie in ...