Time to Shine!

by Sunday, December 29, 2013
There is nothing like SKREIN jewellery! I know it costs a fortune, but it is so timeless that there are no words to describe it. Beside the fact that the gold and the diamonds are fair, the pieces are unique in their design. Pure, simple, sometimes sparkly but not too pretentious… As I already said (look up here) this jewellery reflects my cravings completely! Here are my favorite pieces. (I better start saving for these!) 

Bracelet The Nest for incredible 7500€

Classic with a twist. (a very greek looking) Bracelet in Yellow Fair Gold at its finest by SKREIN (€ 3800)

Necklace – easy, light and shiny and ca. 150cm long. (perfect to your little black dress)

When haute couture jewellery meets ghetto ring – Double Ring with green Turmalin by SKREIN 

Chain Ring SATURN by SKREIN. in Silver and one diamond – € 2990
(could even imagine it as my engagement ring)

SKREIN silver bracelet

A modern pure necklace in silver by SKREIN for 2190€
Birth Ring by SKREIN with 2 diamonds… for free spirits…
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2 Responses
  • Anonym
    April 24, 2014

    scheint sich um einen Irrtum zu handeln : die meisten der gezeigten Schmuckstücke sind nicht von Skrein, sondern werden von Skrein verkauft…es handelt sich also um Handelsware. Die Stücke sind trotzdem wunderschön !

  • Chilexion du Beaumont
    April 24, 2014

    Liebe/Lieber Leser – vielen Dank für den Hinweis… Ich kenne sie von Skrein. Leider sind die Schmucklabels etwas dezenter angeschrieben als so manches. Und danke ich finde sie auch superschön… Wirklich einmalig… 😉

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